Tried & Tested Solutions
Our people and specialist partners have performed and excelled at the highest levels and are acknowledged as thought leaders in their fields. We cover a wide range of disciplines including Forensics, Cyber, Medical, Legal and Technology.
State-of-the-Art Technology
Our cutting edge technology will enable and Fast track your capability and capacity. Our systems, software and facilities all conform to international standards and have been designed by world leading experts.
World Leading Expertise
Tried and tested with finance backed solutions that ensure the integrity of your investment and the delivery of successful outcomes. Our solutions have all been tested in the extreme and are used by the world’s leading emergency response services.
Working in Partnership to Fast Track Expertise and Build Internationally Certified Forensic, Cyber and Medical Services
Pilgrims Forensic & Medical Sciences (PFMS) provides turnkey forensic science, communications intelligence and medical services in line with all relevant international standards. This includes, manpower services, equipment, technology, software, facilities, training, mentoring, design and implementation of policies and procedures. PFMS can also arrange funding for up to 100% of total project value. Our commitment to knowledge and capability transfer will enable you to quickly become respected on the international stage. Our teams, people and partners are at the cutting edge of the forensic science, cyber and medical sectors in terms of knowledge, experience, skills, technological advances and equipment and we are able to supply these together with appropriate training, where required.
Our services are audited against the highest standards available within the industry, providing you a firm commitment of quality and trust.
Quality Management System (ISO9001-2015)
Information Security Management (ISO27001)
Occupational Health & Safety Management System (ISO45001-2007)
Environmental Management System (ISO14001-2015)
PFMS is a prime contractor for large multi-disciplinary Forensic, Cyber and Medical projects and is duly authorised to seek financing from The United Kingdom Export Finance Department of the UK Treasury.
Where UK Government Export Credit financial support cannot be obtained, PFMS can provide a range of private funding initiatives.
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Pilgrims House
Links Business Centre
Old Woking Road
Woking GU22 8BF
Phone: +44 1483 228786

For further information please contact:

William Freear
+44 (0)1483 228 779
or Adrian Whitwam
+44 (0)1483 228 793